Cutted Listels and Right-Angle Pieces
All the products in the range
Gaiole Listel
Terranuova Listels
Cetona Listels
Gargonza Listels
Stockton Listels
Norton Listels
Billingham Listels
Gaiole Right-angle Piece
Terrnauova Right-angle Piece
Cetona Right-angle Piece
Gargonza Right-angle Piece
Pitigliano Right-angle Piece
Stockton Right-angle Piece
Norton Right-angle Piece
Billingham Right-angle Piece
In exposed brick facings, the bricks have to be cut to fit the edges of floor slabs, stringcourses or to clad pillars. A valid alternative is provided by listels and the right-angle pieces of reduced thickness but the same finish as the bricks.