Chianti Roofing
All the products in the range
Tegola (Tile)
Coppo (Pantile)
Colmo ad Incastro
Colmo a Libro
Finale Chiocciola
Deviatore a Tre Vie
Deviatore a 4 vie
Areatore Fatto a Mano (handmade)
Areatore Romano
Tegola con foro (tile with hole)
Coppo con foro (pantile with hole)
Gronda con foro (with hole)
To respond to different tastes and traditions, Solava produces Roman roofing tiles in six different colors. CHIANTI ROOFING TILES, in a natural warm red color that stems from the nature of the fine Valdarno clay, have been used for the beautiful roofs of our cities for over sixty years.