DOP Declaration of Performance
New Rules in force: Regulation (EU) NO. 305/2011
Following the coming into effect of the new European Regulation no. 305/2011 Solava is making available the DoP of products subject to the new rules.
European Regulation no. 305/2011, the “Construction Products Regulation” that lays down harmonized conditions for the marketing of construction products came into force on July 1, replacing Directive 89/106/CEE (CPD).
The regulation defines the obligations of manufacturers, the two most relevant of which are the drawing up of a declaration of performance (or DoP) and the affixing of CE marking.
One of the most important changes is the fact that not only will the CE marking attest the conformity of the construction materials to a specific technique but the manufacturer will also have to declare the specific performance of its products in the Declaration of Performance. Every product has its own DoP. A 7th basic requirement for construction works will also be introduced, that of the “sustainable use of natural resources.”
The DoP is the main innovation and replaces the declaration of conformity. The manufacturer or distributor will have to issue the DoP at the time the the product is brought onto the market.
A reminder that the reference standards for our products are:
- UNI EN 771-1: 2011 for masonry units manufactured from clay
- UNI EN 1304: 2005 for clay roofing tiles and fittings
- UNI EN 1344: 2003 for clay pavers for outdoor use
- UNI EN 14411:2012 for ceramic tiles
The new label with the CE marking will be affixed to the pallets of products from Jan 7, 2013
European Regulation no. 305/2011, the “Construction Products Regulation” that lays down harmonized conditions for the marketing of construction products came into force on July 1, replacing Directive 89/106/CEE (CPD).
The regulation defines the obligations of manufacturers, the two most relevant of which are the drawing up of a declaration of performance (or DoP) and the affixing of CE marking.
One of the most important changes is the fact that not only will the CE marking attest the conformity of the construction materials to a specific technique but the manufacturer will also have to declare the specific performance of its products in the Declaration of Performance. Every product has its own DoP. A 7th basic requirement for construction works will also be introduced, that of the “sustainable use of natural resources.”
The DoP is the main innovation and replaces the declaration of conformity. The manufacturer or distributor will have to issue the DoP at the time the the product is brought onto the market.
A reminder that the reference standards for our products are:
- UNI EN 771-1: 2011 for masonry units manufactured from clay
- UNI EN 1304: 2005 for clay roofing tiles and fittings
- UNI EN 1344: 2003 for clay pavers for outdoor use
- UNI EN 14411:2012 for ceramic tiles
The new label with the CE marking will be affixed to the pallets of products from Jan 7, 2013